AWS IoT with Ultra Low Power Embedded Systems

Ingmar Jager
September 21, 2020
Last updated: Nov 17, 2020

AWS IoT facilitates connecting your internet-of-things things to all the other Amazon web services. This makes it easy to build a scalable backend for your IoT project.

The standard way to authenticate with AWS IoT is via X.509 certificates using a TLS connection. Every device or ‘AWS IoT Thing’ has a unique certificate. Which is very safe because you can revoke any individual certificate to block the device from accessing the AWS IoT endpoint.

However, for ultra low power devices or things that are not directly connected to the internet, using TLS and these huge certificates and crypto libraries is often not feasible. AWS IoT seems to be built with always-on, voice-enabled, Alexa-like devices in mind. But what if you’re not running Linux on your device? What if you cannot add a Raspberry Pi to your sensor Thing? What if you don’t have hundreds of kbytes of flash and RAM to spare?

Custom Authentication

We’re in luck because AWS is slowly starting to accommodate these use cases. AWS IoT Core offers Custom Authentication that enables you to create a custom authorizer using an AWS Lambda function. The idea is to use the lambda function to check the validity of some token sent by the device. But it is up to you to create and distribute the tokens and to make sure they are safe and valid.

Custom Authorizers come in two flavors. Either with signed tokens or with unsigned tokens.

Using the authorizer with signed tokens means sending the plain text token along with a base64 representation of the token signed with a 2048-bit private key. AWS will already check that the token is indeed signed with the correct key. This prevents excessive triggering of the lambda function by unrecognized or rogue clients. Which is nice, because you have to pay for each invocation of the lambda function.

On the other hand, when your device or sensor is only sending a few bytes per day, sending a 2048 bit signature is still quite overkill and can drain the battery unnecessarily. That’s when you can use the unsigned authorizer. This is a very new feature that just came out of beta at the end of August (2020). During the beta, it was known as Enhanced Custom Authentication, quite ironically because you could say it is less enhanced without the signed token.

Setting up custom authentication

The next section will walk you through setting up and testing custom authentication for both signed and unsigned authorizers.

Unsigned Authorizer

Step 1: creating the authorizer
Log in to AWS IoT Core and make sure you’re in your intended region. Go to Secure > Authorizers and click Create authorizer.

We will name the authorizer unsignedAuthorizer. Next we will need to select a lambda function that will be called by this authorizer. Since we don’t have one yet, click Create a new Lambda function. It will open AWS Lambda in a new browser tab.

Step 2: creating the lambda function

Here we will create a Lambda from scratch. Let’s name it very creatively customAuthFunc. We will use Node.js for this one, but you could make it in any runtime of course. Click Create function.

Then replace the hello world example code with the following authorizer example:

// A simple authorizer Lambda function demonstrating
// how to parse auth token and generate response

exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {

console.log(`Authorizer event: ${JSON.stringify(event)}\n`)

let token = "";
let ID = "unknown";

// This works for signed authorizers,
// the token will be added directly to the event by the signed authorizer.
console.log('token not found in query string; attempting to use token in event payload')

token = event.token

if (event.protocolData && event.protocolData.http) {
let httpRequest = event.protocolData.http
if (httpRequest.headers && httpRequest.headers.token) {
// Retrieve token for unsigned authorizers
if (!token) {
token = event.protocolData.http.headers.token;
// Optionally retrieve application specific data from headers
ID =;

console.log(`token: ${token}, ID: ${ID}\n`)

// For this demo the only allowed tokens are 'Allow' and 'Deny'
// These are dummy values to test some simple cases.
switch (token.toLowerCase()) {
case 'allow':
// Succesfully authenticated (obviously very dummy)
// Replace with actual tokens and make sure to verify
callback(null, generateAuthResponse(token, ID));
case 'deny':
callback(null, generateAuthResponse(token, ID));
callback("Error: Invalid token");

// Helper function to generate authorization response
var generateAuthResponse = function(token, ID) {
// Invoke your preferred identity provider
// to get the authN and authZ response.
// Following is just for simplicity sake

var authResponse = {};
authResponse.isAuthenticated = true;
authResponse.principalId = "principalId";

let endpoint = "arn:aws:iot:eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:";

var policyDocument = {};
policyDocument.Version = '2012-10-17';

var connect_statement = {};
connect_statement.Action = 'iot:Connect';
connect_statement.Effect = "Allow";
connect_statement.Resource = "arn:aws:iot:eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:*";

var topic_statement = {};yyyyyyyyyyyyyy
topic_statement.Action = ['iot:Publish', 'iot:Receive'];
topic_statement.Effect = "Allow";
topic_statement.Resource = [

// statement.Resource = "arn:aws:iot:us-easeu-centralt-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:topic/test";
var sub_statement = {};
sub_statement.Action = ['iot:Subscribe'];
sub_statement.Effect = "Allow";
sub_statement.Resource = [

policyDocument.Statement = [connect_statement, topic_statement, sub_statement];

console.log('policy document: ', policyDocument);

authResponse.policyDocuments = [policyDocument];
authResponse.disconnectAfterInSeconds = 3600;
authResponse.refreshAfterInSeconds = 600;

return authResponse;

This code will try to obtain the Token either from the event (as parsed by the signed authorizer) or from the http headers. Also some ID is assumed to be included in the headers. Then if the token is 'Allow' it will generate a policy document that authorizes this connection for the mqtt topics described in this document. This is a very flexible way of authentication, because you can do basically anything in the lambda function. Of course it is also your responsibility to make it secure. For example by checking if ID + token pair exists in some database. Like a username and password.

Step 3: link the lambda and the authorizer

Go back to the AWS IoT tab where we were about to select the lambda. Click refresh to make our new lambda appear and select it. Finally we deselect Enable token signing and select the Activate authorizer checkbox. Create authorizer.

Step 4: testing

We can test our unsigned authorizer using the AWS CLI. Of course, first make sure the correct credentials and config (region) are in place in ~/.aws.

The CLI comes with the test-invoke-authorizer utility. We only need to supply the name of our authorizer (unsignedAuthorizer) and the required values in the http headers.

aws iot test-invoke-authorizer \
--authorizer-name unsignedAuthorizer \
--http-context '{"headers":{"ID":"uniqueID", "token":"allow"}}'

If everything goes well, the output looks like this.

"isAuthenticated": true,
"principalId": "principalId",
"policyDocuments": [
"refreshAfterInSeconds": 600,
"disconnectAfterInSeconds": 3600

Try to change the token value to "deny" and check the differences in the policy document.

We can even try to publish some data using curl. Using the AWS CLI we can figure out the correct endpoint url with aws iot describe-endpoint. Use the endpoint address as host for the following curl command.

curl -v -i -H "X-Amz-CustomAuthorizer-Name:unsignedAuthorizer" \
-H "token:allow" -H "id:uniqueID" --data '{"message":"Hello from unsigned custom auth"}' \

The mqtt message can be received and viewed in AWS IoT Core. Go to the AWS IoT tab and click Test. Subscribe to topic uniqueID/status and run the curl command above. The message should appear in the online mqtt console.


Now if things didn’t go as smooth as expected there can be three reasons:

  1. The authorizer was not called correctly. Check the region, authorizer name, is the authorizer activated?
  2. There was an error inside the lambda function.
  3. The generated policy document does not allow you what you think it does.

How to debug this? The first thing is to check the logs of the lambda function. Logs are recorded in AWS CloudWatch. Open CloudWatch either directly, or click on monitoring on the lambda page.

In CloudWatch go to Log groups and click on the log group for the lambda function /aws/lambda/customAuthFunc Then open the most recent log stream.

If there is no log stream, it means that the lambda function was never called. So the problem lies with the Authorizer. If there is a logstream, open it and check the timestamps. Can you add new log entries by running the test command? The output in these logs is coming directly from the console.log calls in the lambda function. Have fun with printf debugging.

Signed Authorizer

The setup for the signed authorizer is very similar. So we will go through it a bit faster.

Step 1: public-private key pair

First, we need to generate a public-private key pair so we can give the public key to the authorizer.

openssl genrsa -out gateway_token.key 2048
openssl rsa -in gateway_token.key -outform PEM -pubout -out

Step 2: create authorizer with signing enabled

Create a new Authorizer is AWS IoT Core. Name it signedAuthorizer. Use token as the token header name and paste the contents of the public key in the Value input. Then activate and save.

Pro Tip: Copy to MacOS clipboard from command line
pbcopy <

Step 3

Generate the token and the token signature.

# create token
echo -n Allow > token.txt
# sign token
openssl dgst -sha256 -sign gateway_token.key -out token.sign token.txt
# encode in b64
base64 token.sign > token.sign.b64

Step 4: Testing

To test if we can pass the authorizer and invoke the lambda function we use the test-invoke-authorizer again.

aws iot test-invoke-authorizer \
--authorizer-name signedAuthorizer \
--token $(<token.txt) \
--token-signature $(<token.sign.b64)

This should give us the following output

"isAuthenticated": true,
"principalId": "principalId",
"policyDocuments": [
"refreshAfterInSeconds": 600,
"disconnectAfterInSeconds": 3600

Since we didn’t provide the id field in the header we get 'unknown' in the policy document. Of course, this case should be handled better by the lambda function and don’t give any permissions if the ID is not valid or existing. But that’s for another post.

Let’s see if we can make it work with curl

curl -v -X POST -i -N \
-H "X-Amz-CustomAuthorizer-Name:signedAuthorizer" \
-H X-Amz-CustomAuthorizer-Signature:$(<token.sign.b64) -H token:$(<token.txt) \
-H "id:uniqueID" --data '{"message":"Hello from signed custom auth"}' \


Now we can successfully access the AWS IoT endpoint without using expensive X.509 certificates using both signed and unsigned custom authentication methods.

Let me know If you like me to write more about AWS IoT, or if you like our help creating and deploying your own IoT sensor fleet please contact us at