Bootstrapping support for the STM32WLE with the Embedded Rust ecosystem

Normally how you test a new board is by flashing a blinky program on it and check whether the LED is blinking. But we don't have a known working blinky binary for this microcontroller, nor do we have a method to flash that imaginary binary. That will be the challenge to tackle for this article.

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ADXL355 Embedded-hal driver crate

A Rust driver crate for the ADXL355 digital accelerometer. This driver accepts an embedded-hal SPI interface and a GPIO OutputPin. It implements the Accelerometer Trait so you can easily obtain both raw sensor data and scaled-to-Standard-gravity sensor data.

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Measuring space-time behaviours of piano keys with Rust

Piano technology is a discipline that studies piano mechanisms and their interaction with the pianist. To investigate interactions between piano keys and pianists, we have installed an array of sensors in an experimental keyboard.

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MicroSD performance on memory-constrained devices

MicroSD cards. They are used in phones, cameras and all kinds of devices. A no-brainer to add some extra storage capacity to your project. They are advertised by their average read/write speed in MB/s. But there is a metric that is at least as important for certain applications: latency…

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